Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In the beginning

That's a lame blog title. Four days after closing the door on 2010, I've decided to begin yet another blog. But unlike my previous "Ahh, it's the new year and I might as well get a new blog" blogs, this one actually serves a purpose. Sort of...

I'm still about a month and a half removed from actually relocating to Shanghai. Yet the realities of moving away from everything I know and am used to still haven't quite hit me. In fact, in the peak and trough sense of things, I'm still very much in the 'beginning to get excited' phase.

Back to the purpose.

My one new years resolution for 2011 is to live consciously. As such, I've given serious consideration to closing down my Facebook and Twitter accounts, which have morphed from daily dallies into serious drains on my TLC (time, life, and consciousness), but haven't gotten around to even summoning the gumption to actually do so.

Anyway, as I shutter out these virtual distractions and remove myself from the physical realm of family and friends, I still need a way to keep in touch with those I love and care about. VeryShanghai will accomplish that, and more. At least that's my hope. Aside from serving as a medium through which my parents can see just what the hell I'm up to halfway around the world, it's also an outlet for me to display what I'll be seeing, eating, feeling, eating, doing, and oh yeah, eating, in Shanghai!

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